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Are you a candidate for microblading/ permanent makeup?

Contraindications on microblading, powder brows, lip blushing and eyeliner.

You cannot receive any permanent makeup service if: you are pregnant/ breastfeeding, have heavy scarring in the area, sunburnt, allergic to lidocaine, epinephrine, glycerin, alcohol, stainless steal, carbon, titanium dioxide, on blood thinners or immunosuppressants, have a skin disease or healing defect (keloid, hyper pigmentation, etc), have had botox or filler in the area less than 14 days ago, a tick/ twitching problem, have trouble laying flat or laying down for over an hour.

Microblading Contraindications: 
If you have any of these contraindications, you may be a candidate for powder brows instead. Read Below. 

Mature skin (65 and older), oily skin (large pores), sun damaged skin, visible wrinkles in the brow area
Mature skin is very fragile and microblading is essentially cutting hair strokes into the skin and mature skin bleeds excessively and doesn't heal well. 
Oily skin can often create large pores around the brow area which doesn't allow hairstrokes to heal crisp and will more than likely blur and fade excessively due to the oil being secreted out of the pores and pushing the pigment out.
Sun damaged skin can often mimic mature skin in that its very delicate and bleeds easily due to the thinning of the skin from the sun and heals more ashy than others. 
If you have any of these contraindications, you may be a candidate for powder brows instead. Read Below. 

Powder Brow Contraindications:

Oily, mature and sun damaged skin can receive a powder brow treatment because theres little to no bleeding or scarring and its more long lasting because its implanted with a tattoo-like machine & needle. If you have visible wrinkles in the brow or overly-fragile skin, you may not be a candidate for either brow service. 

Eyeliner Contraindications: 

If you have lash extensions you must get them removed before your service and wait to get them out back on until your touch-up session is fully healed. If you have to use medicated eyedrops everyday, or have watery eyes, this will fade the eyeliner during healing and will make you not a candidate. If you are wanting winged eyeliner, you might not be a candidate if you have hooded or wrinkly eyelids.

Lip Blush Contraindications:

Visible wrinkles in the lips from smoking or age, bumps or blood blisters on the lips, overly filled lips with filler, or overly dry/ cracked lips will make you unable to receive lip blushing. 


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